Secure Business Hosting
Business websites need to be hosted on a fast, reliable server to enable your prospective customers to view your site quickly without going to a competitor's site. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality cloud based domain hosting service and support to our clients.
Unlike most companies who use 3rd party hosting, Like Wildfire offer peace of mind with our bespoke, state of the art cloud hosting service in London Docklands, custom designed to our demanding specifications and managed in house 24/7. Our hosting facility is purely for our vetted business customers and we carefully control usage. We have absorbed the additional costs, over and above alternative hosting facilities, to confidently provide true “business strength” hosting way beyond the capabilities of our competitors.
With the availability of wide connectivity to major telecoms and network service providers, we can also boast that LINX, the London Internet Exchange, has a live presence on the site, offering global peering and connectivity options for customers.
We provide full business hosting and e-mail services in a selection of packages to suit all requirements. AW Stats web stats system is included in the hosting packages which gives comprehensive visitor information. We include full support backup for your web pages including any ongoing server software upgrades and server maintenance required. Our ongoing email support includes spam filtering options and account setup.
With over 30,000 domain names registered every day, it's vital to register your company name as soon as possible.
We include name registration in our hosting packages and multiple names can be registered and pointed at the same
website at special discounted rates. Your domain name will be booked to your company and is yours to keep... forever!
Email us now to register your Domain